Monday, December 7, 2020

NASA is giving 14.1 million to Nokia to build the first network tower on the moon!?


Today we did the last weekly quiz for this term. This week it is week 9 and today a am researching stuff about there being 4G on the moon. I didn't know that they were putting 4G on the moon! They have said that it would be 2 years until it would be finished. But what I don't like about it is that some people on earth don't have Wi-Fi at all and now the moon is getting it? That is just a bit sad 


  1. Hi Jason I really like your work you really described what why they wanted 4G on the moon.I thought they would never have internet on the moon.

  2. Hi Jason
    How much work you put into this and the topic you pick!
    do you think that you could call someone of earth form spaces?
    Thank Reid

  3. Hello Jason, Carter here.

    I really enjoyed Reading your post and thought that there was no misinformation and that you got all your facts correct, I did a post simillar to this as well!

    Maybe next time to make your work extra BTB you could go into more Detail on the Product.

    Sincrely, Carter.

  4. Hi Jason, It's Mark. I think you have done a really good post! I lovw all of it. But maybe next time you could check your writing because Moon has a capital M. Other from that good job!


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